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Feb 16, 2023

EP 128 - Kevin Kirkwood: Lessons From the Past

Pedro Meneses

No matter where you are in your business, you’re either growing or decaying. Just because you may have made your first 100 sales, released an album, or even made your first million there is no time for rest. Kevin knew this firsthand when he was a Musician and Business Owner.

Feb 16, 2023

EP 125- The 3 Pillars of Success

Zoie Keeth

Adjusting your mindset is more than changing what you’re doing, it is about looking into your vision and focusing on what you want to accomplish. There are three points that I keep my life revolving around and I am excited to talk about them in depth.

Feb 2, 2023

EP 126 - Ryan Stewman: Getting Your Mind Right

Zoie Keeth

In this episode, Ryan shared the habits he has created and the mindset that he has implemented over the years that will help you become the most elite version of yourself and succeed in every area of your life!

Jan 19, 2023

EP 124 - How To Extract Greatness in Others

Zoie Keeth

The key to extracting the best in other people is simple- develop self-leadership in yourself to be able to surround yourself with others who have it as well. You are the only person who can control how you react and how this will affect who you become. Prove yourself right, and stick to these three principles that I will be covering in today's episode.

Jan 18, 2023

EP 123 - Discipline in Self-Leadership

Zoie Keeth

2023 is finally here and if you waited until now to implement your goals then you’re already behind. Pedro addresses where self-leadership comes from- discipline. 

Dec 30, 2022

EP 122- Zach Sasser, Apex Consultant: The Return of The Hustler

Zoie Keeth

Take a moment to think of the 5 closest people who surround you.  What are they doing to be influences on your life, and how do they impact you?It’s always easy to meet a person and think they are the best thing that happened to you until you see who they really are.

Dec 15, 2022

EP 121- Discovering Your True Potential

Pedro Meneses

Pedro addresses what it takes to move forward to be able to help others and find your clarity. He talks about the steps to closing in on your dream and the mindset you need to set for yourself.

Dec 8, 2022

EP 120- Alec Minkoff, Owner, Easy Button Marketing: Understanding Wisdom

Pedro Meneses

Emails, texts, DMs, phone calls, meetings.....the list goes on.  Our mindset is clouded with these distractions, but our vision is clear.There are many ways to pave a road, but the first step you need to take is the path to acquiring knowledge. Alec Minkoff is the prime example of a young entrepreneur who quickly gained wisdom.   

Dec 6, 2022

EP 119- Bryan Clayton, Co-Founder and CEO of GreenPal: Developing Kick Ass Skills of Domination

Pedro Meneses

When you see a successful person think twice before assuming that they were given everything. Being an Entrepreneur takes more than having money, it takes grit, sweat, restless nights, and every ounce of confidence to become one. Bryan started in the landscaping industry at the age of 18 with just a push mower and himself, after 15 years of owning that company he decided he was meant for something bigger.  

Dec 1, 2022

EP 118- Josh Meunier, Serial Entrepreneur/CEO/Podcaster: Finding Gratitude in What You Have

Zoie Keeth

It is easy to forget what you don’t have if you haven't experienced losing it. Every day there are people who take for granted the most basic freedoms, especially flexibility of schedule and income.  

Nov 3, 2022

EP 117- Krista Wagberg, Founder of Radiant Healers: Finding Serenity

Zoie Keeth

She addresses why your mental health is important and it reflects on how you interact with other people. They both discuss mental health and also how to deal with trauma in a safe way instead of abusing drugs or pharmaceuticals. 

Oct 27, 2022

EP 116- Vinnie Potestivo, Branding Guru/Entertainment Titan: Becoming a Guru Through Branding

Zoie Keeth

As Pedro and Vinnie speak into the episode they both share why Branding and marketing is critical to Entrepreneurs and Business Owners. Vinnie talks about when he first started off his career and how it took him 25 years to finally be nominated for an Emmy, it wasn’t because he didn’t have interesting work.It was because he didn’t step into the same room and make himself heard. 


Dec 5, 2021

What is Beard Oil And How To Use It

Pedro Meneses

Let's start off with the basics. Beard oil is a specially formulated oil designed to keep your skin and beard in top shape. Our beard oils are made out of natural oils to help condition, moisturize, and soften your skin and beard hair. As you grow, our unique oil combinations feed your skin to supplement the important balance of nutrients that beard hair needs to grow.
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