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EP 118- Josh Meunier, Serial Entrepreneur/CEO/Podcaster: Finding Gratitude in What You Have

It is easy to forget what you don’t have if you haven't experienced losing it. Every day there are people who take for granted the most basic freedoms, especially flexibility of schedule and income.  

Josh Meunier is the Founder of Uncommon Element, Podcast host, Forbes Business Coach building award winning businesses.

Josh helps his clients expand their business by going through step by step to improve sales and quality of his clients company.    

Pedro host’s special guest Josh Meunier as they speak about business, and the harsh reality of life. Josh addresses what he looks for in the people he engages with and the expectations he has.

There are many people who currently live in poverty and Josh and Pedro talk about their experiences and why they believe people take some freedoms for granted.

Josh talks about how to leverage your business and what your clients might be looking for. 

 What You’ll Learn: 

  • The process of leveraging a business 
  • Why younger Entrepreneurs are so ego driven 
  • Why your first credit card is the biggest investment  
  • Who Josh looks to surround himself with
  • The difference of being avoidant and being fearless
  • Why personal growth is easy  
  • The luxuries we often take for granted 
  • What it takes to create a habit that lasts a lifetime 

 Favorite Quote: 

“You have to reframe your brain from expense to investment and guess what? You’re going to be ok with that and ok with failing forward because if you don’t, you’re never going to evolve. ”

- Josh Meunier

 Connect with Josh:




 How To Get Involved:

From rock bottom and $500 to his name, Pedro Meneses moved to the US, left everything behind seeking answers to turning his life around, becoming an entrepreneur, and thriving in business.

This show is for entrepreneurs who need a dose of reality to develop mental toughness, remove the fear of taking action, and are ready to pay the price, fight, and win at all costs!

In each episode, Pedro introduces you to world-class entrepreneurs and leaders who will share their stories and knowledge to help you get a clear vision, operate at the highest level, and build an empire.

Be sure to Connect With Pedro and check out the most recent episode of Chronicles of a Modern Beast in Apple Podcasts


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