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EP 125- The 3 Pillars of Success

Adjusting your mindset is more than changing what you’re doing, it is about looking into your vision and focusing on what you want to accomplish.

There are three points that I keep my life revolving around and I am excited to talk about them in depth.

Focus- Everyone knows what focus is, but what you're doing to implement it in your daily life and apply it to the goals you have set for yourself. Be intentional with who you are and look at the distractions in your life and how they affect you like Alcohol, Porn, and Gambling- Recognize if you have a problem.

Discipline- Growing up disciplined might mean punishment.  As adults, it means the opportunity to become better. This is the driving force that we all carry but need to use more to achieve our goals. Stop telling yourself that it is ok to miss a step.  If you want it, you need to make it happen. Embrace the suck.

Consistency- “Become a millionaire in 30 days” or the “get rich quick” schemes are not your way to success. Everyone who has experienced self-made wealth and hit their fitness goals stayed consistent. Look at your circle and see who is in it, Are they consistent? Are they good influences? Your life isn’t built perfect in a few weeks because it takes years to form that consistency.   

How To Get Involved:

From rock bottom and $500 to his name, Pedro Meneses moved to the US, left everything behind seeking answers to turning his life around, becoming an entrepreneur, and thriving in business.

This show is for entrepreneurs who need a dose of reality to develop mental toughness, remove the fear of taking action, and are ready to pay the price, fight, and win at all costs!

In each episode, Pedro introduces you to world-class entrepreneurs and leaders who will share their stories and knowledge to help you get a clear vision, operate at the highest level, and build an empire.

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