- Why the ripple effect can impact you in a negative manner
- The devastating construction injury that formed Eddie into the man who he is today
- What controls a constructive mindset and how to avoid depleting it
- How focusing on what you truly want can form how successful you become
- Eddie expresses the importance of adversity and how it can benefit you
- How trusting your intuition can help you achieve your greatest aspirations
- Eddie references to his mindset at twenty-seven and how he would have never expected what he has accomplished at this moment being forty-two
- Pedro and Eddie explore into how technological advancements are benefiting modern entrepreneurs
- The beginning of your journey can start at any moment
- How fear can appear as protection, but in reality be a deception
- Three actions that can truly control your mindset
- Eddies perspective is an inspiration for modifying others perspective
- Why it’s important to get yourself into the habit of acquiring real knowledge for what you want versus academic knowledge
- Pedro informs the audience of a moment in his life where he felt empty and relates it to Eddies story
- Why it’s important to be confident in your journey and recognize how it can benefit you in the future
- And much more!
How To Get Involved:
From rock bottom and $500 to his name, Pedro Meneses moved to the US, left everything behind seeking answers to turning his life around, becoming an entrepreneur, and thriving in business.
This show is for entrepreneurs who need a dose of reality to develop mental toughness, remove the fear of taking action, and are ready to pay the price, fight, and win at all costs!
In each episode, Pedro introduces you to world-class entrepreneurs and leaders who will share their stories and knowledge to help you get a clear vision, operate at the highest level, and build an empire.
Be sure to Connect With Pedro and check out the most recent episode of Chronicles of a Modern Beast in Apple Podcasts
1 comment
Outstanding!!! Listened to this tonight thank you for the inspirations and showing me that anything is possible even at my age . This has given me things to think about on my next endeavor as I move forward into retirement . Although anyone that knows me knows I will never just sit back now is the time for me to see what my next chapter needs to be and how far I will push myself I’m
Excited to start this journey I’ll be listening boys .
Great job guys!💙💙