Erik Allen, Raised in a broken home, battled addictions, was jailed at 18, bankrupt at 21 only to give his life to Christ and turn everything around.
Erik is truly a man of integrity, work ethic, and an overcomer.
Erik and his wife of 16+ years and their two children live in Northern Idaho and live a humble and blessed life. Together, they break the cycles handed down to them of addictions, depression, abuse, and lies.
He believes in giving back, and in this episode, he teaches us valuable lessons and how to break from your false identity through hard work, vulnerability, and consistency!
Enjoy the show!
Connect with Erik: http://erikallenmedia.com/
How To Get Involved:
From rock bottom and $500 to his name, Pedro Meneses moved to the US, leaving everything behind seeking answers to turning his life around, becoming an entrepreneur, and thriving in business.
This show is for entrepreneurs who need a dose of reality to develop mental toughness, remove the fear of taking action, and are ready to pay the price, fight, and win at all costs! In each episode, Pedro introduces you to world-class entrepreneurs and leaders who will share their stories and knowledge to help you get a clear vision, operate at the highest level, and build an empire.
Be sure to Connect With Pedro and check out the most recent episode of Chronicles of a Modern Beast in Apple Podcasts.